The Physics of Living Systems
at Georgia Tech

A cardiac spiral wave simulated by the Fenton Lab.
A leaping nematode from the Bhamla Lab. Photo credit Tuzazon.
Dr. Simon Sponberg holding a hawk moth
tuazon worms

A worm blob from the Bhamla Lab. Photo credit Harry Tuazon.


Cells interacting with a hyaluronan brush as captured by the Curtis Lab. Adapted from Wei et al (2019).


Tony Lemos using the Atomic Force Microscope in the Harold Kim Lab.

snowflake yeast

Snowflake yeast, developed by the Ratcliff Lab and studied by the Yunker Lab.


A cardiac spiral wave simulated by the Fenton Lab.

hu ants magyar

A raft of ants from the Hu lab. Photo credit André Magyar.


A leaping nematode from the Bhamla lab. Photo credit Victor Ortega-Jimenez.

simon moth

Dr. Simon Sponberg holding a hawk moth.

snake robot

A robotic snake constructed by Dan Goldman and the CRAB Lab.

membrane proteins

Membrane proteins studied by JC Gumbart and the SimBac group.

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